Le Central Hotel i N'Djamena

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Rue du Harve, N'Djamena, Chari, TD Chad
Kontakter telefon: +235
Latitude: 12.1195657, Longitude: 15.0362525
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Kommentar 3

  • Antoine Valcke

    Antoine Valcke


    Pizza correct mais sans plus. Menu du jour raffiné. Bon choix de vin. Le restaurant possède une salle climatisé avec un bar et une terrasse à l'extérieur dans la cour. Les prix sont entre 6000 et 9000 pour les pizza. Le plat du jour est à + de 20000 (Entrée, plat, désert) est très cher.

  • Thomas Sant

    Thomas Sant


    Easy food. Menus (and waitresses) in english if needed (and menus in Chinese if that helps). Secure parking. Beer on tap. Does the job at the end of a long day...

  • Karen Greiner

    Karen Greiner


    My favorite restaurant in N'Djamena. I spent two years in N'Djamena Chad and this place was my "go to" restaurant. Service is excellent, and so is the food. My favorite is the Sole Muniere (sp?) - with green beans or spinach. Did I just say spinach? - In N'Djamena Chad? Yes I did. And that's why this place is worth the price. Is it cheap? No. Is it full of expats? Yes. Is it sometimes a bit slow? Yes, occasionally. But it's a great and relaxing place to be. The wood-fire pizzas can also be had to go. They have beer on tap, and the best bartender in sub-saharan Africa (Sam). The only thing missing from this place is a Petanque court. Side note: Many colleagues from the United Nations used to stay at the hotel, which is part of the compound. They said it was "not too expensive, and rooms are fine" - but I've never stayed personally. I DO know that security is good - and the location is good (you can walk to Amandine bakery, and to many other places - which is not true of other hotels, like the Hilton).

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