Hilton N'Djamena i N'Djamena

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Corniche Road, N'Djamena, Chari, TD Chad
Kontakter telefon: +235 65 59 65 59
Hjemmeside: www3.hilton.com
Latitude: 12.089108, Longitude: 15.065662
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Kommentar 5

  • Jeff



    Bon hôtel, le buffet à volonté n'est pas terrible ( viande pas assez cuite), les boissons sont chères

  • 服部芳和



    チャドで一番 立派なホテル! まず 間違いないでしょう!

  • Abdulkadir Tiryaki

    Abdulkadir Tiryaki


    Rooms are clean. Service is perfect! Restaurant quality excellent.

  • David Meinhold

    David Meinhold


    Amazing hotel. Beautiful, clean, and had all of the amenities of an upscale resort. The pool and bar areas are incredible; you definitely feel like you are someplace else and you can get hookahs right up to the pool bar, which is nice. The rooms are clean and spacious, and the beds are very comfortable. The Wi-Fi is ok, but for central Africa it is great. Having good hot water right away is also a plus! The staff was friendly and most speak some English, but mostly French. The breakfast very good and there is a lot of variety and choice. Definitely recommended, (although it is not cheap to stay here). You get what you pay for, though!

  • matt harvey

    matt harvey


    Great hotel and scenic, well keep grounds. The hotel staff was friendly and helpful, and made our stay peaceful and comfortable. Special thanks go to the breakfast staff and two of the chefs Frida, and Leah. Further Jamina provided outstanding service with a friendly smile and disposition daily. Thanks again to the hotel staff and management team. You have a great group. Sincerely, Matt

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