La Résidence Hotel N'Djamena i Ndżamena

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Ndżamena, Czad
Kontakter telefon: +235 60 27 13 00
Latitude: 12.1249565, Longitude: 15.0341678
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Kommentar 5

  • Mackenzy Boursiquot

    Mackenzy Boursiquot


    Good food, amazing people

  • Rishi Mohess

    Rishi Mohess


    Was truly disappointed with my stay. So disappointed that I left after 1 night and checked into the Ledger hotel. The best thing about this hotel is the manager Melanie. Her professionalism is definitely 5 star but the regular staff, rooms and dining all need improving.

  • Panagiotis Perdikis

    Panagiotis Perdikis


    This is a great hotel from any side you look at it: room cleanliness, friendly and helpful stuff, food quality. Highly reccomended.

  • Sameer Kawthale

    Sameer Kawthale


    The hotel is very near to N'djemena aiport and has two types of rooms with executive and normal , executive rooms have in-house Kitchen , washing machine and a refrigerator . The food at hotel is also excellent . They have a nice buffet breakfast in morning nearby a very big swimming pool. Definitely recommend for short stay.

  • Genevieve Young-Ayuk

    Genevieve Young-Ayuk


    The hotel made a lot of improvements since my last stay. It looks better now and the food at the restaurant is so good and tasty! However, the owners should put a little more emphasis on the cleanliness of the toilets and aeration of the rooms. Despite the security context which might justify the blinders on the windows, the rooms need a little bit of more light and aeration.

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